I found my very favorite bumper sticker today! It was at my local pet store. When I saw the display, I didn't see it at first and I asked the clerk if they were getting any more in. She said she didn't think so, but would take a special order for me. Well I looked through the box one more time and there it was. I had seen this bumper sticker once on a car and I loved it then. I knew if I ever found it, and didn't think I would, that I would put it on my car. I have no bumper stickers on my car. Never have so this is a big deal for me. Here it is!
Where I live in Northern CA, you can see lots of bumper stickers that parents put on their cars about their children being on the honor roll at a certain school. Since the Very Best Cats are my kids, and because I am such a cat person, I felt this was very funny and appropiate for my "kids."
Call me crazy, I don't know. Something about this sticker just called out to me. So there it is, my first bumper sticker.
I love it! I would display it too! and I do not do bumper stickers, either!
You could also add another: and prettier too!
That is a great bumper sticker.
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