Monday, August 16, 2010

The Mountain Lion

OK. I have to share this because I am so bewildered, astonished, and shocked that someone would do this.

An acquaintance of mine shared with me today that 4 of his cats were recently eaten by a mountain lion. He lives in a more rural part of our county, so it is believable that he has a mountain lion around his property. 4 cats. I would be devastated! He just seemed matter of fact.

He has 2 other cats. One is an indoor cat. Doesn't go outside. But the other cat likes to go in and out. I asked him if he was going to keep this cat indoors until the mountain lion moves on or is moved by Fish & Game to an even more rural area. He told me no, the cat just sits at the door and meows and meows until he lets it out. He just can't stand the non-stop meowing so he lets that cat out.

This is really hard for me to believe. It seems he is giving this cat a death sentence by sending him outdoors. I think I would just deal with the meowing and not send my 5th cat out to be eaten. He told me this cat is smart and has taken a different path then the others. And you don't think a mountain lion could find him?

I can't believe that anyone who has a pet would want him to be mauled and eaten by a mountain lion. I am worried for this last cat.

So I usually see this man on fridays at my job. I really hope he does not come in and tell me that this cat was killed too. I don't know what I would do then.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is terrible!

Katnip Lounge said...

AArrgh! Now I am convinced Humans are MUCH stupider than I originally suspected. I'm sorry to be one.
Horrible situation.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is awful. I hope the cat stays safe, but it doesn't sound too hopeful. People like that shouldn't keep pets if they don't try to keep them safe.