Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Motor Lost His Purr

On saturday, I took Motor to the vet for his vacinne shots.  I was supposed to bring him in about 6 weeks ago, but I procrastinated because I do not like to cause him any stress.

Actually it went a lot better than I thought it would.  He meowed all the way there.  I left him in my car until they were ready for him in an office, then we went in, he got his shots, and we were out.   Our ride home was better.  He meowed in the beginning, then he was quiet.  I like to sing and make up songs quite often.  So I made up the Motor is going home song, and it seemed to help calm him down.

So the rest of saturday, he was his normal perky self.  Sunday was when he  felt under the weather.  He was just not himself.  He wouldn't purr.  And if Motor doesn't purr, you know something is wrong.  I  am very glad I remembered this happened to Tiger the last time he went in.  So I wasn't alarmed, but cautious and watchful of his behaviors for the day.

Mostly he slept.  When he did get up to walk around,  he walked very gingerly, like an old cat.  He reminded me of K.C. and the way she walked towards the end.

By the evening, Motor was feeling better, not all the way, but better than in the morning.  And he was beginning to find his purr again.   By monday morning, Motor was back to his old self again.  Motor is my morning sunshine.  He comes up to greet me and be pet as soon as I am up everyday.  I wouldn't want to change our ritual for anything.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so glad Motor found hie Purr again. a sad kitty that does not feelgood makes the whole house seem sad!

The Cat Guy said...

Losing one's purrs is sad. My Max once had a similar reaction to getting his yearly shots. A day or so later he was back to full strength.

Mr Puddy said...

Thanks COD ! Finally Motor Purrs !
I Purrs for Motor Purrs forever !!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad Motor is feeling better again and has got his purr back.