Thursday, January 1, 2009

Motor Gets a New Toy

Little Motor is a joy to be with. He is one very happy cat. And of course, being a kitten, he likes to play. And I like to buy "toys" for him to play with.

This is one of my most recent buys for him.

I know I am biased, but isn't he cute!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Motor, that looks like a great toy. We are glad you and your brother like our blog. We will add you to our links list. If you like we can also give you a mention on the Cat Blogosphere which should get you more visitors.Let us know if you want us to do that.
Purrs furrom Eric and Flynn

Forty Paws said...

Hi Motor! Aren't you cute! Eric and Flynn gave us your blog address! Welcome to cat blogging!

Luf, Us

Lux said...

He is, and that toy looks like great fun, too!

Nice to meet you - Happy New Year!