Monday, June 22, 2009

The Cat Owners Prayer

Because I'm only human, it's sometimes hard to be
The wise, all-knowing creature that my cat expects of me.
And so I pray for special help to somehow understand
The subtle implications of each proud meowed command
Oh, let me not forget that chairs were put on earth to shred
And what I like to call a lap is actually a bed
I know it's really lots to ask but please, oh please, take pity
And though I'm only human, make me worthy of my Kitty!!!

author Unknown


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a very good poem

Karen Jo said...

I love that poem. It is so very true.

Quilt Works said...

Beautiful, thank you for sharing! I also enjoy the kitty cat photos! I like the title of the most kissable cat :-)

Stop by my blog if you want to see my kitty cat art!