My first question comes from Motor, my kitty brother.
Motor: Tiger, why do you shred the curtains and climb on the furniture that Kitty Mom doesn't want you to?
Tiger: Motor, I have a lot to teach you. You see, if you are not getting the attention you want, this will surely get Kitty Mom and Dad's attention. Yes, they will use your name sternly, clap their hands loudly, or even spray you with a water pistol, but after that is done, you know Kitty Mom will feel bad. She will then come over and scoop you up and you will get the attention you were looking for in the first place. It works every time.
THat is very good advise. It does not work when you attack your sister, though!
That is good advice. I use the recliner for sharpening my claws when I want to get mum's attention.
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