Monday, July 23, 2012

Scene at the Foot of My Bed

This is quite often the scene at the foot of my bed. Jack is sitting between my legs at the top of the bed, and Motor and Tiger are sleeping together at the bottom of the bed. Not a lot of room for me to sleep in. But hey, that's OK right? They are all sleeping.


The Cat Guy said...

Wow! Great to see Motor and Tiger sleeping together, they must be getting along better these days. That's great!

We usually have at least four cats on the bed at night. Last night when I got back to bed after getting up in the night, Buddy and Theo had stolen my space and parked in the middle of my spot! I had to slide in next to Theo and cuddle up with Buddy!

Marilia said...

This is very common here at home! I love it!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We keep telling Mom that the bed is ours and she and Dad have to share what space we leave them!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have priority on the bed too. Mum and dad have to slide in where they can find a space.