So anyway, I'm not sure what I will be able to keep up with. I have 2 online businesses, 2 blogs, my now 5 day a week job, friends, family, house maintenance, and jewelry to make. I thought my life was full before this extra day of work.
But through all this, my kitties help me stay sane. They are so easy to be with. Not many demands, unless it's time for their lunchtime treats or dinner wet food. When I a with them, I feel I can slow down and relax. I stay in the present. Because I love them so much, I want to be with them whenever I can.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is my blog entries might slow down for a while. I know they have slowed recently and they will continue to be sporatic. We will still come visit our friends when we can. We love hearing about how our kitty friends are doing. And thank you for visiting us.
I wanted to add a photo of my Motor. I call this photo, "The Statue." Motor can often be found sleeping, sitting upright. He's so cute.

Motor, Our Felix sleep-sits too!
Tell your Mom that it's OK to cut back, life only happens once and you have to make sure to do what you enjoy. Our Mommy says she wishes boils and pestilence on your Mom's mean employer. And any other awful thing she can think of.
Purrs and Peace!
We know it is not your choice but you have to do the best you can. WE will be watching for your posts when you can work them in!
Your employer is very mean! Motor looks cute sleeping sitting up.
Any boss who forces a human to take more time away from her cats is No Good.
Thank you all for your support and kind comments. I really appreciate them.
We are behind and just catching up with visiting. Our Teri said she knows how hard it must be to fit all you do in with one less day and to do it just to be mean and make you quit...not pleasant. Our Teri wishes she could work 3 days a week and have 4 off, that's what she was about to do when our Mike died. She is pretty lucky in that she works 3 11 hr days and 1 6 hr day but still she doesn't have much free time to kick back...
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